Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ajax Framework's

On my search for the "Ultimate Ajax Framework", I've stumbled upon a prety nice, and more important - free (though not OpenSource) library called ComfortASP.

ComfortASP is a non-intrusive Ajax framework, meaning the only thing you need to do, is simply inherit from the base ComfrotASP page, instead of M$ System.Web.UI.Page, and... voila! you'r a fully-compliant ajax app! ;)

How Does It Work?
Every PostBack made on a ComfortASP enabled page, is caught by the framework and sent as a XmlHttpRequest.

On the server-side, the ComfortASP_Page "catches" the request and handles it like a normal post-back, thus supporting all server-side events etc.

After all your server-side code is executed, the ComfortASP_Page sends back to the client only the delta of the html (compressed of-course), thus reducing bandwith, speeding up the client side work, and replacing only the changed parts in the HTML.

Besides that, ComfortASP keeps a "stack" of all the postback made on each page to enable the browsers back action (damn! that nice).

The main goal of ComfortASP is not to give you a set of tools or controls with Ajax "abilities" like other frameworks (i.e Atlas), but instead - you write you'r ordinary ASP.Net code and I'll take care of the rest.

Worth a shot

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