Monday, November 20, 2006

Multiple IE's

A few days ago, I've finally given up and installed M$'s new browser - IE 7.

Oh the horrors the horrors.

Not only it's horribly slow, has NO tabbing customization and tends to get stuck, but since M$ has changed it's user-agent (which is basically a good thing), I cant use TestDirector which, it turns out, supports ONLY IE 6.0.

Anyways, I found (thanks to Mushon ;)) a nice cute utility that allows you to install older versions of IE - including 5.x & 4!
Although IE 6 acted a little bit different (some script errors etc.), it gets the job done - TestDirector and I are friends again ;)

Download Multiple IE's

1 comment:

whadar said...

How many times I'm gonna say it?
Use firefox!!!