Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Web Vs. Win - Web Nockout?

There are many advantages and disadvantages for Web over Win development, but always the main reason not to develop web-based applications is the all known too well client side scripting aka JScript hell.
Writing and maintaining java script is simply put, a hell on e... IDE.
But then I found this cool new tool\technology called Script#.

Script# Is a project led by on of the ASP.Net architect team (Nik that is aiming to create a C# compiler that outputs pure javascript code.

How Do I Do It?
You open a new VisualStuido.Net (2.0) C# Script# Project (the script# project template is a part of the binary download), and you write your C# code of-course with FULL ide support, and upon building the project, instead of getting a *.dll in your output folder, you get a *.js file ready for use.

As well as the compiler, Script# also has some extra utilities and useful classes.

The Script# is pretty far from my wet dream (if your wet dream also has something to do with Java script, than you've got some REALL problems!!!), of no client side scripting, but it's worth reading about.

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