Monday, November 13, 2006

Windsor IoC

A Couple of days ago Oren Eini has posted a really interesting article on MSDN about the InversionOfControl design pattern, or more specifically about the Windsor OpenSource IoC Framework.

Although this article is very good, for a deeper drill down into the design patter, I'd recommend reading Martin Fowler's article.

The Windsor IoC is a part of the Castle Project which is a pack of OpenSource library\frameworks for .Net (i.e ActiveRecord, MonoRail etc.).

The Castle project goal is to guide .Net developers how a project should "look" like, starting from the UI tier to the Service Layer.

Although this post started about the Windsor framework, I'd recommend reading about the Spring.Net which is a port from the Java Spring framework.

The Spring.Net is still in it's beta status, but it's transaction model is already running and is a reall state-of-the art design work.

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