Tuesday, November 14, 2006

MagicAjax (Ajax #2)

Continuing My pursuit, I'v found another Ajax framework - MagicAjax

MagicAjax.Net is a OpenSource ajax... "utility" that very much looks like a withered version of Atlas.

MagicAjax (has a cool name and ;)) is constituted by 2 parts:
1. MagicPanel: A container WebControl, that catches PostBacks made by its Child Controls, and sent to the server as an AjaxCall (hidden post-back).

2. MagicHandler: An HttpModule that receives the AjaxCalls made by the MagicPanel, and executes the corresponding Server-Side code, and sends back to the client only the changed HTML.

Basically, MagicAjax is a pretty thin Ajax layer, but is very easy to use, and has many customization abilities such as Async requests support.

Another thing, on my last Ajax post, I've talked about the ComfortASP library,
Well, I found a VERY big "bug" - every XMLHttpRequest made returns an error!

After talking to the developer, apparently it's by design - I didn't get any more detailed reason why.

Oh well, back to sketching board...

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