Saturday, November 18, 2006

TestDriven.Net NEW Reflector Add-In

Before I start about the real subject of this post, if you're not already intimately familiar with TestDriven.Net and Lutz's .Net Reflector, you should stop reading this post, download them, USE them and come back here for more ;)

The new Reflector add-in, not only integrates Reflector inside the VS.Net intellisense, but will automatically put you in the same method on the same assembly you're standing with your cursor.
OK you're probably saying - that's cute, but... I can just look at my IDE and see the real thing?!$#@!
You're a real smart-ass you know that???
You can now run (every) .Net assembly, attach a debugger to it (using VS.Net) - even if you don't have it's symbols or code, activate the Reflector add-in and vuala! you're standing on the actual code of the function you're currently running!

Don't believe me?
Try for yourself

For further information you can go to Jamie Cansdale - the creator of this brilliant add-in.

Well done Jamie! ;)

Jamie has posted a link to a live demo of the add-in

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The ReflectorAddIn integration has now migrated into TestDriven.NET. The old ReflectorAddIn is now obsolete. You can see a screencast on debugging using TestDriven.NET and Reflector here:

Enjoy. :)